
....Society is a 6 star energy rated, multi award winning first in Australian residential apartment development, together with development partner Hamton a true vertical village was created that delivered an expanded concept of inner city living..作为澳大利亚屡获殊荣的六星级节能住宅公寓项目,Society由NEN与合作开发商Hamton共同打造,是一座从真正意义上传递扩展城内生活概念的垂直村落。....



....Developer: Hamton..开发商:Hamton....

....The third of a three stage Abbotsford urban renewal project. Haven achieves an average 6 start energy rating throughout. The Abbotsford development is an award winning development with awards including UDIA Master planned Community, UDIA High Density Development, Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction and Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings..阿伯茨福德城市改造分三阶段进行,Sanctuary项目为其中第三阶段的项目,其整体已获得六星级节能认证。这个阿伯茨福德开发项目屡获殊荣,所获奖项包括澳洲城市发展协会(UDIA)的“总体规划社区(Master planned Community)”、“高密度开发项目(High Density Development)”、“建筑商协会优秀建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction)”及“建筑商协会高层公寓建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings)”。....


....Rize is a modern development comprising of townhouses that provides fashionable living over two or three levels. Rize is a cutting edge, contemporary designed development with a 5 star energy rating..Rize是一座彰显时尚生活方式的二至三层现代化联排别墅项目。这座拥有五星级节能认证的项目采用了前卫而现代化的设计。....


....Developer: Hamton..开发商:Hamton....

....The first of a three stage Abbotsford urban renewal project set amongst a native landscape on the Yarra River, Eden achieves an average 6 start energy rating throughout. The Abbotsford development is an award winning development with awards including UDIA Master planned Community, UDIA High Density Development, Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction and Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings..阿伯茨福德城市改造分三阶段进行,Eden为其中第一阶段的项目。本项目坐落于雅拉河畔的原生态风景之间,已获得六星级节能认证。这个阿伯茨福德开发项目屡获殊荣,所获奖项包括澳洲城市发展协会(UDIA)的“总体规划社区(Master planned Community)”、“高密度开发项目(High Density Development)”、“建筑商协会优秀建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction)”及“建筑商协会高层公寓建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings)”。....


....Completed in 2006, Abito’s stylish ultra-modern design has been awarded The Victorian Architecture award for Residential Architecture Multiple housing and UDIA’s Excellence award for medium density development. Located in the heart of Fitzroy, Abito is expertly design to complement both the heritage housing and industrial landscape nearby..Abito建成于2006年,因其超现代的时尚设计而获得了“维多利亚式建筑奖-多住户住宅建筑奖(Victorian Architecture award for Residential Architecture Multiple housing)”,以及由澳洲城市发展协会(UDIA)颁发的“中等密度地产项目优秀奖(Excellence award for medium density development)”。Abito位于菲茨罗伊市中心,巧妙的设计让传统住房风格与附近的工业景观相辅相成。....

....Fifty Albert..Fifty Albert....

....Developer: Hamton..开发商:Hamton....

....Winner of the UDIA (Victoria) Award for excellence – High Density Development, the City of Port Phillip Design and Development Award – Best New Development and City of Port Phillip Design and Development Award – Best contribution to Urban Art, 50 Albert is the epitome of sophistication..50 Albert堪称精致文雅的象征,其揽获了澳洲城市发展协会(UDIA Victoria)的“高密度开发项目优秀奖(excellence – High Density Development)”、“菲利普港市设计与开发奖-最佳新开发项目奖(City of Port Phillip Design and Development Award – Best New Development)”、“菲利普港市设计与开发奖-最佳城市文化贡献奖( City of Port Phillip Design and Development Award – Best contribution to Urban Art)”。....

....Incorporating a heritage facade, 360 views and boasting 5 star amenities. With such luxuries as a lobby lounge served by a concierge upon entry, health and lifestyle retreat, artwork, poker room, cinema room and rooftop entertainment area, 50 Albert is a distinguished feature on the plush South Melbourne skyline..50 Albert把传统建筑外观、360度全景视野及五星级配套设施融为一体。作为南墨尔本奢华城市风景线上的一大鲜明亮点,50 Albert拥有众多豪华设施,例如大堂入口处设有礼宾人员,楼内设有保健寓所、艺术品陈列室、棋牌室、电影室及楼顶娱乐场所等....