

  • ....Smoother construction schedule leading to earlier settlement..更顺畅的施工进度,更早进入结算阶段。.... 
  • ....Working with people who have experience developing property and taking it to market..与拥有房地产开发及市场营销经验的人共事。....
  • ....Having a team dedicated to a total solution approach to managing power from raw site, through build to handover and beyond..拥有一支专职团队,从尚未进入可行性研究的阶段,到整个施工过程,再到工程交付及后续工作事宜 等,为您提供一套整体能源管理解决方案。....
  • ....Skilled in coordinating power companies, equipment suppliers, councils and builders throughout the planing, approval, construction and handover stages..擅于在规划、审批、施工及交付阶段对能源公司、设备供应商、理事会及建施工单位进行协调。.... 
  • ....Total end customer care solution for the life of the building for the end tenant..在建筑生命周期内,为终端租户提供整体终端客户保养解决方案。.... 
  • ....No lock in contracts for the end tenant – they can choose their own power supplier..终端租户无合同期限制,可自主选择能源供应商。.... 
  • ....Intelligent power metering for customers and building owners..为客户及业主提供智能用电计量。.... 
  • ....Dedicated team of experts managing the establishment of the embedded network from start to finish..自始至终均有专职专家团队对内嵌能源网的设施进行管理。.... 
  • ....Provision of legal documentation for signing at inaugural owners corporation meeting..提供首届业主大会签署所用的法律文件。....
  • ....Building manuals for handover to new owners..备好建筑使用手册,便于向新业主交接。.... 
  • ....Preparing settlement packs for purchasers and tenants..为购房者及租户提供协议资料袋。.... 
  • ....Step by step guides showing the advantages of the embedded network to the end user..为终端用户逐步介绍内嵌能源网的优势。.... 
  • ....Continued maintenance and management of ownership of assets for individual and common areas..对个人及公共区域提供持续资产维护及管理。.... 
  • ....Only fully qualified people accessing building..仅允许完全符合条件的人员进入大楼。.... 

....Financial Returns..财务回报....


  • ....Cost savings on Project Design – knowing the impact on the product and what solutions are practical..节约项目设计成本——了解项目设计对于产品的影响,以及哪些解决方案比较实用。....
  • ....Savings on purchase price of equipment..节约设备采购成本....
  • ....Savings through correctly balancing the suitability of the equipment..通过适当平衡设备的可持续使用性,实现成本节约.... 

....During Construction..施工期间....

  • ....Cost savings on the price of energy during build..施工阶段的能源价格成本节约....
  • ....Time and cost savings in transitioning power from all stages through vacant site to the finished power network integrated into the project..从空置地盘,再到把能源网络整合至已完成的项目中——在所有阶段的能源转换期间均实现时间和成本节约。....
  • ....Reduced delays due to outside factors..减少因外部因素造成的延误。.... 

....Post Construction..施工后期....

  • ....Energy on-selling, share in the benefits of managed power on an ongoing basis for the life of the building..能源转售,在建筑的生命周期内持续共享能源管理所带来的诸多益处。.... 


....Energy acumen to help sell the project through;..有助于项目销售的能源优势....

  • ....Winning awards..屡获殊荣....
  • ....6 star ratings..六星级节能认证....
  • ....Future proofing the energy needs for changing market trends..使能源需求适应未来技术发展,满足多变的市场趋势....
  • ....Building brand reputation..建筑品牌声誉卓越。....
  • ....Ongoing quality service for purchasers..为购买者提供持续不断的优质服务....
  • ....Ongoing competitive market rates for energy..持续提供具有竞争力的能源市场价。.... 
  • ....Market leading billing team..领先市场的计费团队.... 
  • ....Client customer portal to manage and view live energy usage..提供客户门户,用于管理和查看实时能源使用情况。.... 
  • ....Energy management that evolves with technology and energy sources. (Apps, payment plans, black or green power options.)..伴随技术和能源不断发展的能源管理方式。(APP、支付计划、黑色或绿色能源选择)。....