....By partnering with us you can share in the benefits of managed energy during construction and on an ongoing basis for the life of the building..通过和我们合作,您可以在施工期间及建筑的生命周期内,持续共享能源管理所带来的诸多益处。....




  • ....Working with people who have construction experience..与具备施工经验的人员共事。....
  • ....Having a team dedicated to a total solution approach to managing power from raw site, through build to handover and beyond..拥有一支专职团队,从尚未进入可行性研究的阶段,到整个施工过程,再到工程交付及后续工作事宜等,为您提供一套整体能源管理解决方案。....
  • ....Skilled in coordinating power companies, equipment suppliers, councils and developers throughout the construction phase..擅于在整个施工阶段对能源公司、设备供应商、理事会及施工单位进行协调。.... 
  • ....Secure permanent power to site transitioning through the build to save thousands in direct costs and avoid project delays..为项目场地取得永久能源,并通过工程建设将能源转换为能源网络,从而节省大笔直接成本,避免项目延误。.... 
  • ....Significant discounts on energy for increased cost savings..大幅能源优惠,大大节省成本。....
  • ....Coordination of induction process..入场过程协调。.... 
  • ....Experienced installers schedule to your production time line..由经验丰富的安装人员配合您的生产进度进行安装。....
  • ....Understanding building site protocols..熟知施工场地协议。....
  • ....Installers are all fully qualified and induction is a pre-condition..安装人员均完全符合资质,所有人员均已参加入门培训。.... 
  • ....Minimised delays..最大程度减少延误情况。.... 
  • ...Planning and preparation is done months in advance..提前数月做好规划筹备工作。.... 
  • ....Works with shop stewards to ensure compliance across insurances, tickets, white cards and superannuation..与工厂工人代表共同确保保险、职业资质文件、白卡(澳大利亚建筑业必备上岗证)及退休金等事宜均合法合规。.... 
  • ....Understand each builder is different requiring different levels scale and involvement of stakeholders..* 了解每家施工单位的差异性,既需要从不同层面了解,也需要利益相关者的参与。....
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....Financial Returns..财务回报....


  • ....Cost savings on Project Design – knowing the impact on the product and what solutions are practical..节约项目设计成本——了解项目设计对于产品的影响,以及哪些解决方案最实用。....
  • ....Savings on purchase price of equipment..节约设备采购成本。....
  • ....Savings through correctly balancing the suitability of the equipment..通过适当平衡设备的可持续使用性,实现成本节约。.... 

....During Construction..施工期间....

  • ....Cost savings on the price of energy during build and connection..节约施工及接通阶段的能源价格成本。....
  • ....Time and cost savings in transitioning power through all stages – from the vacant site to the power network integrated into the finished project..从空置地盘,再到把能源网整合至已完成的项目中——在所有阶段的能源转换期间,均能实现时间和成本节约。....
  • ....Reduced delays due to outside factors..减少因外部因素造成的延误。.... 
  • ....Supplied and installed by qualified installers according to your project schedule..由符合资质的安装人员按照您的项目进度进行供应及安装。....

....Post Construction..施工后期....

  • ....Energy on-selling, share in the benefits of managed power on an ongoing basis for the life of the building..能源转售,在建筑的生命周期内持续共享能源管理所带来的诸多益处。....