....Everyone likes to save money on electricity bills. We have provided a list of energy saving tips to help you achieve just that..每个人都希望节省电费。我们列出了一份节能小贴士,帮助您实现这个目标。....


.... + Lighting..+照明....

.... Switch to LED lights. Generally LED's use 25% - 80% less electricity than traditional incandescent lighting. Incandescent lights can be replaced at low cost or even for free. See http://switchon.vic.gov.au/more-ways-to-save/energy-saver-incentive/lighting to learn more.. 改用LED灯。一般而言,使用LED灯可比传统白炽灯节省25%-80%的电量。而您只需要较低的成本来替换白炽灯,甚至可免费替换。请查阅http:了解更多信息。....

.... Turn off lights when you leave the room.. 离开房间时请关灯....

.... + Stand-by power waste.. 离开房间时请关灯。....

....Appliances on standby account for up to 10% of a households electricity usage. To save power either turn off appliances when not in use, or, use a standby power controller which automatically reduce the amount of time these devices spend in standby mode and switch appliances off when not in use..在家庭用电量中,家用电器在待机状态下消耗的电量可多达10%。要节约能源,就应将处于闲置状态的电器关闭,或使用备用电源控制器,它不仅能自动减少设备的待机时间,还可关闭闲置设备的电源。....

....+ Heating and cooling..+制热和制冷....

.... Close blinds and curtains to reduce the amount of energy needed to maintain a rooms temperature.. 关闭百叶窗或窗帘,以减少维持房间温度所需的能源用量。.... .... Close doors to rooms you aren't occupying to reduce the area you need to heat/cool.. 关闭闲置房间的房门,以减少需要制热/制冷的面积。.... .... In winter heating can account for over 30% of your bill. Set your thermostat between 18 and 20 degrees. Every degree above 20 can add 10% to your heating bill. In summer, set your thermostat to 26 degrees or above.. 冬天制热的用电量可占总用电量的30%以上。请将空调设置为18至20度。超过20度之后,每调高一度都将为您的暖气账单增添10%的电量。夏天则应将空调设置在26度或以上。....

....+ In the kitchen..+厨房....

.... Set your fridge temperature to 4-5 degrees celsius and your freezer temperature between -15 and -18 degrees celsius.. 将冰箱的冷藏室温度设置为4-5摄氏度,而冷冻室温度则设置为-15至-18摄氏度。.... .... Use the economy cycle on your dishwasher and only run it when it's full.. 使用洗碗机的节能模式,并且只在满载的情况下使用洗碗机。.... .... When cooking, a microwave uses less power than an electric oven use.. 烹饪时,微波炉的用电量比电烤炉少。....

....+ In the bathroom and laundry..+卫生间与洗衣房....

.... Use the shortest appropriate cycle.. 在合理范围内使用时间最短的洗衣模式。.... .... Wait until you have a full load of laundry.. 在满载的情况下使用洗衣机。.... .... Line dry clothes rather than using a dryer where possible.. 有条件时,把衣服自然晾干而不去使用干衣机。.... .... Install a water saving shower head..安装节约用水的淋浴喷头。....