....National Energy Networks Pty Ltd (NEN) is partnering with EnergyAustralia to uniquely deliver utility services to customers via Embedded Networks. The Networks encompass the provision of electricity, gas, solar and hot water to large apartment developments, broad-acre residential developments and commercial centres. The collaboration focuses on a professional and innovative approach from concept through to delivery, integrating green energy and capturing potential ‘future use’ such as battery storage and power for electric cars..National Energy Networks Pty Ltd (简称NEN)与EnergyAustralia携手打造内嵌能源网络,以独特方式为客户提供公共事业服务。我们的能源网为大型公寓开发项目、大面积住宅开发项目及商业中心提供电力、天然气、太阳能及热水一体化的能源服务。我们的合作着重采用专业而创新的方式,从一开始提出概念直至最终交付项目,其中不仅整合了绿色能源,也应用了未来可能采用的能源使用方式,如蓄电池储能及电动汽车供电等。....

....Critical to a successful project is the delivery of tangible benefits to the developer, builder and end customer. This is achieved through working cohesively with the Developer and Builder during design and construction, but also during delivery to customers via Owners Corporations, Building Managers and Property Managers. NEN and EnergyAustralia will continue to position themselves at the forefront of innovation, technology and regulatory framework advancement..一个成功的项目,其关键在于向开发商、施工单位及终端客户带来切实的效益。要达成这一目标,不仅要在设计及施工期间与开发商和施工单位协调一致,也要在为客户提供服务时与业主大会、大楼经理及物业经理实现紧密合作。NEN与EnergyAustralia将继续在创新、技术及促进制度框架进步的前沿发挥自己的领先作用。.... 

....National Energy Networks Pty Ltd is owned and operated by Stephen Buxton (Avenir), Andrew Evans (RED C Property Group) and James Copes (formerly Hamton Property Group). Both Steve and Andy have a wealth of knowledge gained during their 25+ years involvement in residential and ancillary retail property development. In fact, their combined involvement in property development has successfully created and delivered environmentally and socially sustainable projects in excess of $2bn..National Energy Networks Pty Ltd的所有者及经营者为Stephen Buxton (Avenir)、Andrew Evans (RED C房地产集团)及James Copes(之前供职于Hamton房地产集团)。Steve与Andy涉猎住宅及相关零售地产项目已超过25年,拥有极为丰富的行业经验。事实上,由于共同参与过房地产开发,他们成功打造并提供的各色开发项目总值已逾20亿澳元,在环境和社会方面均具有可持续性。....

....Their expertise extends well beyond development and construction. James Copes (Executive Director), has successfully headed end product services including Owners Corporation Management, Property Management and Embedded Networks compliment the end customer experience..他们的专业经验已远远超出房地产开发及建筑领域。身为执行董事,James Copes成功掌管着物业管理、房地产管理及内嵌能源网等终端产品服务,这也让他在终端客户领域的经验臻于完美。....

....Stephen Buxton in particular has been involved in owning and operating Embedded Networks, with James’ assistance, since its inception in one of his developments from 2008..Stephen Buxton自2008年开始主导开发项目实施以来,已在James的协助下着重参与不同内嵌能源网的管控和经营工作。....

....Likewise Andrew Evans has been integrating Embedded Networks into his development projects over the past 5 years and has seen first-hand the economic benefits provided to societies. Collectively, Stephen, Andrew and James have delivered Embedded Networks encompassing 2,000+ lots (residential and retail). National Energy Networks’ role in its collaboration with Energy Australia is the Embedded Network owner..Andrew Evans在过去的5年里同样一直在致力于把内嵌能源网整合入他的开发项目中,他也亲眼见证了这些内嵌能源网为社会带来的经济效益。Stephen、Andrew和James共同打造的内嵌能源网已涵盖2,000多个(住宅及零售地产)地块。在与Energy Australia的协作中,NEN承担着内嵌能源网持有者的作用。.... 

....As one of Australia’s leading energy retailers with 2.5m electricity and gas customer accounts, EnergyAustralia has the experience and resources to deliver commercial solution and customer service to Embedded Network customers underpinned with the regulatory and compliance expertise of a Tier 1 energy business. EnergyAustralia strives to remain at the forefront of technology and innovation in the energy market through the provision of smart and distributed energy service offerings such as solar, battery storage, electric vehicle solutions and online energy information portals..作为澳大利亚领先的能源零售商之一,EnergyAustralia拥有250万电力及天然气用户。作为1类能源企业,并凭借在政策与规范操作方面的专业知识,EnergyAustralia拥有丰富的经验和资源来为内嵌能源网客户提供商业能源解决方案及客户服务。通过提供太阳能、蓄电池储能、电动车解决方案及能源信息网络门户等智能能源分布式服务产品,EnergyAustralia致力于保持自身在能源市场上的技术与创新领先优势。....

....EnergyAustralia has established a dedicated business to service the embedded network market and will act as agent for National Energy Networks to deliver billing and customer service related activities..EnergyAustralia..已成立一家企业,专门服务于内嵌能源网市场,它同时作为NEN的代理公司,从事账单计费及客户服务相关的业务。....