Energy for multi-user properties

....Everyone needs something different and every building is different..每个人的诉求点各不相同,建筑也是如此。....



....Many users, many sources..多种用户,多种来源....

....Powering a building with multiple owners and tenancies involves complex sets of stakeholders, compliance, technologies and energy types in a fluctuating market..要为一座拥有多户业主和租户的建筑提供能源,这其中涉及对利益相关者、政策合规、技术及能源类型等一系列复杂业务的处理以及应对多变的市场等。....  

....Flexibility and accuracy with the ability to choose providers is vital for the end customer. Building owners and owners corporations require control and compliance. Builders need ease of implementation and developers require genuine marketable benefits..对于终端客户,灵活精准地找对供应商的能力至关重要。业主和物业要求掌握控制权与规范操作。施工单位的需求是易于施工,而开发商则要求有实实在在的市场效益。....


....NEN brings all of these requirements together as an integrated package that provides real world savings in time, energy and money during design, construction and for the life of the building..NEN将所有需求整合为一套解决方案,从真正意义上节约设计阶段、施工阶段及建筑生命周期内的时间、能源和成本。....


....Energy Management Strategies..能源管理策略....

....Multiple user interface allows individual tenants, property managers, owners and energy providers to share in the benefits of transparency and control..通过多用户界面,让个体租户、物业经理、业主及能源提供商共享透明化运作及管控所带来的诸多益处。.... 

....Through greater control and buying power NEN negotiates discounted power rates for the building and its stakeholders..通过加强管控及能源购买,NEN为建筑及其利益相关者争取到优惠能源价格。


....NEN in partnership with EnergyAustralia has the experience of 2.6 million customers. We develop energy management strategies for large, multi-user properties optimising usage, network performance and energy conservation..NEN与EnergyAustralia合作,获得了为260万客户服务的宝贵经验。我们为大型多用户房地产项目制订能源管理战略,以优化能源使用、能源网络性能及能源节约措施。.... 

....Smart meters for electricity and smart meterage for gas and hot water enable daily monitoring of energy usage, automated readings and fewer errors in billing..智能电力、天然气及热水计量仪表实现了能源使用的日常监测和自动读数,也减少了计费失误的情况。....


....Green Energy Integration..绿色能源整合....

....Generated off-site or on-site, today green energy is a given. We help with future proofing your building for transitioning between energy suppliers and sources.  Planning and designing future and present on-site energy generation, on-site power storage and how it is fed back into the network and distributed among the occupants..无论是场外发电还是场内发电,如今绿色能源已成现实。我们为您的建筑配备适应未来发展的能源技术,让能源实现从供应商到终端客户之间的转换。对未来及现有的场内能源生产、场内储能以及如何将能源输送至内嵌网并配送给居住用户等过程进行规划及设计。....

....Everyone benefits from green power and local energy..人人都可以受益于绿色能源及本地能源。....