....We partner with you in the management of the infrastructure and maintenance of the equipment – for the life of the building..我们与您并肩合作,在建筑生命周期内进行基础设施管理及设备维护.... 





  • ....Elegant solution for customers, they can manage heir own account and monitor usage..为客户提供优雅的解决方案,他们可以管理自己的账户并监测使用情况。....
  • ....Every occupant can benefit from green power and power generated by the building..每一位居民都可以从绿色能源以及由建筑供应的能源中获益。.... 
  • ....Cost savings in common areas through accurate metering and charge rates..通过精准计量与收费,实现公共区域的成本节约。....
  • ....Detailed regular custom reporting for cost allocation and recovery..定期提供详尽的自定义报告,列明费用分摊及成本回收情况。....
  • ....On-going monitoring for performance improvements and economies..对使用情况进行持续监控,以改进性能并寻求节约措施。....
  • ....Total compliance of system for energy on-selling..做到能源转售完全合法合规。.... 
  • ....Tailored solutions available to meet your specific requirements..可选择定制化解决方案,满足您的特定要求。....