....An energy management system to match the high expectations of today's property buyer..一套契合当今房地产买家厚望的能源管理系统。....
- ....Total end customer care solution for the life of the building for the end tenant..在建筑生命周期内,为终端租户提供整体终端客户保养解决方案。....
- ....Option to purchase up to 100% green energy..可选择购买100%绿色能源。....
- ....Simplified connection process..简化能源接通过程。....
- ....Reduced energy costs through group purchasing power..通过能源团购降低电力成本。....
- ....No lock in contracts for the end tenant – they can choose their own power supplier..终端租户无合同期限制,可自主选择能源供应商。....
- ....Intelligent power metering for customers and building owners..为客户及业主提供智能用电计量。....
- ....Single billing, one energy bill to cover electricity, gas and hot water with multiple payment options..一次完成计费,一张能源账单即涵盖电力、天然气和热水,并提供多种支付方式。....
- ....Customers can manage their account through the customer portal..客户可通过他们的门户管理自己的账户 。....
- ....Elegant solution for tenants..为租户提供优雅的解决方案。....