....Who We Are..公司简介....

....With so much experience developing property you might consider us “energy developers”..NEN拥有丰富的房地产开发经验,因此也素有“能源开发商”之称。.... 

....We are a team dedicated to providing a total solution approach through managing energy requirements from site acquisition, through construction to handover and beyond. We take on the coordination role to secure permanent power to site and transition it through the construction into the network to save thousands in direct costs and avoid project delays..NEN致力于针对房地产开发所有阶段的能源管理需求提供一套整体的解决方案——从地段获取、工程建设到移交及后续工作处理等,一应俱全。我们承担起协调者的作用,争取为场地获得永久性能源,再通过工程建设将能源转换为能源网络,从而节省大笔直接成本,避免了项目延误。....

....Skilled in coordinating energy retailers, local network service providers, equipment suppliers, and councils throughout the construction phase we secure significant discounts on energy, minimise delays and offer genuine financial returns pre-construction, during and post construction..我们擅于在整个施工阶段对能源零售商、当地网络服务提供商、设备供应商和理事会进行协调,确保取得大幅能源优惠,以最大限度减少延迟情况发生,并在施工前期、中期和后期带来切实的财务回报。....

....By partnering with us you can share in the benefits of managed energy on an ongoing basis for the life of the building..通过和我们合作,您可以在建筑的生命周期内持续共享能源管理所带来的诸多益处。....