


....Hot Water..热水....

....Property industry knowledge & experience..房地产行业知识与经验....

....The Company Directors and staff have decades of experience in property development and related services including Embedded Networks. Their success is backed by socially and environmentally sustainable developments in excess of $2bn that have been recognized time and time again by numerous industry awards both state and nationally..上至公司董事,下至员工,所有人均具有数十年房地产开发及内嵌电网的相关服务从业经验。他们的成功源自曾经打造的各色开发项目,这些项目总值已逾20亿澳元,在环境和社会方面均具有可持续性,因此在澳大利亚及各州获奖无数,一次又一次得到业界的认可。....

....The team have been intricately involved in Embedded Networks from planning and design phase through to the delivery of services to customers. It is with this experience and knowledge of the entire property development process that we bring a unique perspective that can add value other Embedded Network providers are unable to deliver..从规划设计阶段,到向客户提供诸多服务,我们的团队自始至终都悉心参与着内嵌能源网的一切事务。我们之所以能带来其他内嵌能源网提供商无法匹及的独特增值视角,正是得益于我们所拥有的整套房地产开发流程经验与知识。....

....Partnerships with known and trusted brands..与值得信赖的知名品牌合作....

....In collaboration with NEN, EnergyAustralia will professionally manage the customer experience from connection to billings utilizing their state of the art billing platform and customer portal.  EnergyAustralia is an industry leader and has over 2.5 million customers, they are a brand that has been in existence for 20+ years, they are an energy retailer with an extensive and trusted brand..EnergyAustralia与NEN合作,从接通能源服务,到利用一流的计费平台及客户门户等,无一不以专业的态度进行客户体验管理。EnergyAustralia是一家成立20余年的能源零售商,凭借250多万用户打造出广为人知而值得信赖的品牌,由此成为行业领导者。....

....Innovation opportunities..创新机遇....

....Referencing back to the Directors experience in the Property Industry, they have a drive to continue innovation.  Accordingly, a collection of industry specialists regularly meet to discuss and brainstorm innovative opportunities to capture current, emerging and future technologies that can be implemented in projects benefiting not just the Developer but society..各位董事具备深厚的房地产行业经验,始终拥有持续创新的驱动力。相应地,行业专业人士也会定期聚首,集思广益,讨论创新机遇,以获取当前的技术、正在兴起的技术及未来的技术,并将其运用于项目中,这不仅惠及开发商,也将会让整个社会从中受益。....

....Use of best practice technologies..采用最佳实践技术....

    ....The meters used in NEN embedded networks are smart meters. Benefits of smart meters in comparison to traditional meters include but are not limited to the following:-

    • Removal of human error on meter reads
    • No need for estimated readings (customers will only pay for what they actually use)
    • The Smart Meter will report back electricity issues (such as periods of low voltage) to deliver better quality of supply.
    • It streamlines the process of moving in and out of a property. 
    • Enable ways in which consumers can review their electrical use remotely..


      * 消除人为读数的失误

      * 无需预估读数(客户只需支付实际使用的费用)

      * 智能仪表将提供关于电力问题的报告(如低电压周期),以提供更好的供电质量。

      * 简化了出入户过程。

      * 消费者可以远程查看自己的用电量。....

    ....Green energy..绿色能源....

    ....Every project is different.  Some projects may have enough roof space to allow solar panels to generate green energy for the building’s use.  However we do not stop there, we can offer customers the ability to choose to purchase 100% green energy. It is NEN’s vision to establish buildings that offer 100% green energy to all customers at a competitive price..每个项目都各不相同。有些项目可能有足够的屋顶空间用于安装太阳能电池板,以在建筑生命周期内生产绿色能源。但我们的追求不止于此,我们可以让客户选择购买100%的绿色能源。NEN的愿景是以具有竞争力的价格为所有客户打造能供应100%绿色能源的建筑。....

    ....National Billing..全国计费....

    ....Our billing systems are currently servicing 2.5 million customers and are built to respond quickly to market changes and anticipate changes to the regulatory environment. Our invoicing is open and transparent and provides the the end customer with choice and control..我们的计费系统目前为250万客户提供服务,我们的宗旨是迅速响应市场变化,也随时适应政策环境的新发展。我们的计价公开透明,让终端客户掌握选择权和控制权。.... 

    ....Our multiple user interface provides reporting to individual tenants, property managers, owners and energy providers across gas, electricity and hot water..我们的多用户界面可为个体租户、物业经理、业主及能源提供商提供天然气、电力及热水使用报告。....

    ....NEN and its key people have delivered Embedded Networks encompassing 2,000+ lots (residential and retail) while NEN's partner, EnergyAustralia, has 20+ years experience serving 2.5m retail customers in addition to a proven generation portfolio..NEN及其领导团队共同打造的内嵌能源网已涵盖2,000多个(住宅及零售地产)地块,而我们的合作伙伴EnergyAustralia不仅拥有成熟的发电服务方案,也有着超过20年的250万零售客户服务经验。....

    ....Proven Experience..经验丰富....

    ....Energy Management..能源管理....

    ....Smart meters can help households and businesses better understand their electricity usage by providing energy consumption data. This means that households and businesses, through a smart meter,can access their energy use information online and track energy consumption allowing them to make better decision to manage their consumption and reduce costs..智能仪表可通过提供能源消费数据,帮助各家各户及企业更好地了解他们的用电量。这意味着各家各户及企业可在网上通过智能仪表获取他们的能源使用信息,并追踪能源消费情况,从而做出更好的决策,以管理他们的能源消费情况,并降低成本。....

    ....Hands on assistance during build and handover phases..亲自协助能源网的搭建及交付....

    ....NEN works with developers and builders to establish an embedded network by taking on some of the tedious tasks including but not limited to new connection paperwork with relevant network service providers..为了搭建内嵌能源网,NEN会与开发商和施工单位合作,共同完成各项繁琐的工作,包括但不限于与网络服务提供商一起完成关于新管道的文书工作。....

    ....Discounted rates..优惠价....

    ....NEN provides builders discounted electrical rates during the build phase of a development..NEN在开发项目的施工阶段为施工单位提供优惠的电价。....

    ....Financial returns..财务回报....

    ....NEN believe that all parties associated with the embedded network are entitled to receive financial benefits including but not limited to discounted market rates and supply and ownership of embedded network infrastructure. With over 25 years experience in property development and almost a decade in embedded networks NEN are able to offer tailored financial solutions to best fit your needs..NEN相信,内嵌能源网的所有相关单位均有权获得财务回报,包括但不限于优惠市场价以及对内嵌能源网基础设施的供应权及所有权。凭借超过25年的房地产开发经验以及近十年的内嵌能源网经验,NEN可以为您量身打造最能够契合您需求的财务解决方案。....

    ....Regulatory compliance..合法合规

    ....We are compliant with Australia's national and state based regulatory authorities and Installation Rules..我们谨遵澳大利亚各国家级州级监管机构的要求以及安装规定来开展业务....


    ....The Australian Energy Regulator..澳大利亚能源监管委员会....

    ....The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)..澳大利亚能源市场运营机构(AEMO)....

    ....Western Australia..西澳大利亚....

    ....Economic Regulation Authority..经济监管机构....

    ....Department of Commerce – Energy Safety..经济监管机构....

    ....Northern Territory..北领地....

    ....Utilities Commission..公用设施委员会....


    ....Energy and Earth Resources..能源与地球资源处....

    ....Victorian Service and Installation Rules..维多利亚服务与安装规定(Victorian Service and Installation Rules)....


    ....QLD Electricity Connection & Metering Manual..昆士兰电力接通与计量手册(Electricity Connection & Metering Manual)....

    ....South Australia..南澳大利亚....

    ....SA Power Networks..南澳电网(SA Power Networks)....

    ....Future proofing..面向未来....

    ....We apply best practice to future proofing the framework for emerging technologies..我们采用最佳实践技术,保障电网适应未来新兴技术发展需求。....



    ....We talk with the developer, builder, design and services engineers to find the most efficient and effective infrastructure. We identify key opportunities and benefits for the developer, builder owner and end resident..我们与开发商、施工单位、设计与服务工程师等沟通,共同寻求最高效、最实用的基础设施。我们帮助开发商、业主及终端居民识别关键机遇和效益。....


    ....We oversee and coordinate power implementation between the power companies, builders, equipment suppliers and developers..我们在能源实施阶段,对能源公司、施工单位、设备供应商及开发商进行监管和协调。....

    ....Customer/Retail management..客户/零售管理....

    ....We create handover documentation ready for the inaugural owners corporation meeting for seamless transitioning of ownership..我们为首届业主大会悉心备好文件材料,确保产权无缝移交。....