
....The former landmark Victoria Brewery site in East Melbourne was given a new lease on life via the Tribeca development. The mixed use development expertly combines 150 years of history with modern urban living. Containing 8 buildings, that adopt historical names that relate to the site, over 4 to 14 levels, Tribeca is a prime example of developing a community benefit whilst retaining and restoring the important history of the area..维多利亚啤酒厂(Victoria Brewery)原为墨尔本东部地标建筑,已借由Tribeca项目重焕新生。这座多用途项目巧妙地将其150年的历史与现代城市生活融为一体。Tribeca由8座4至14楼高的建筑组成,这8座建筑均采用与此地标相关的历史名字命名,在保持和修复该区域的重要历史的同时,也成为造福社区的绝佳典范。....