
....Developer: Hamton..开发商:Hamton....

....The second of a three stage Abbotsford urban renewal project. Haven achieves an average 6 start energy rating throughout. The Abbotsford development is an award winning development with awards including UDIA Master planned Community, UDIA High Density Development, Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction and Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings..阿伯茨福德城市改造分三阶段进行,Haven项目为其中第二阶段的项目,其整体已获得六星级节能认证。这个阿伯茨福德开发项目屡获殊荣,所获奖项包括澳洲城市发展协会(UDIA)的“总体规划社区(Master planned Community)”、“高密度开发项目(High Density Development)”、“建筑商协会优秀建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in Construction)”及“建筑商协会高层公寓建筑大奖(Master Builders Association Excellence in High Rise Apartment Buildings)”。....