房地产 开发商....

....Award winning energy future proofing which smoothes construction, aids marketability and provides ongoing financial returns..屡获殊荣、适应未来技术发展的能源网络,可保障施工顺利实施,有助于市场营销,也为未来提供持续性的财务回报。.... 

....Builders & Construction Companies..施工单位与建筑公司....

....We offer genuine financial returns pre-construction, during and post construction. From costs savings in project design, coordination throughout construction, discounted energy through to shared future dividends..我们在施工前期间、中期及后期为您带来切实的财务回报。从项目设计阶段进行成本节约,到整个施工阶段的协调工作、获取优惠能源价格,覆盖至未来的能源收益等。....

....Building Owners &
Owners Corporations..业主与 物业....

....On-going management of the energy accounts and the assets for the life of the building with full legal compliance, industry backing and a lifetime revenue stream from your infrastructure..对能源账户及建筑生命周期内的资产进行持续管理,我们拥有业界支持,遵照法律进行规范化操作,让您从基础设施服务中终身受益。.... 

....Tenants &
Energy Customers..
租房与 能源客户....

....One simple bill for gas, electricity and water, discount rates, fast connection and easy management. The elegant solution for tenants..整合天然气、电力及用水的一体化账单,提供优惠价格、快速接通服务,轻松管理账户。为租户提供优雅的解决方案。....