....NEN creates value by providing quality infrastructure at no cost and shares the benefit of buying energy in bulk to end users. We provide ongoing benefits and share in the return of investment..NEN竭力为终端用户提供优质基础设施服务,并分享批量购买能源所带来的益处,以此创造价值。我们为您带来持续不断的效益,与您分享投资收益....

Developers..房地产 开发商....
....Award winning energy future proofing which smoothes construction, aids marketability and provides ongoing financial returns..屡获殊荣、适应未来技术发展的能源网络,可保障施工顺利实施,有助于市场营销,也为未来提供持续性的财务回报。....
....Builders & Construction Companies..施工单位与建筑公司....
....We offer genuine financial returns pre-construction, during and post construction. From costs savings in project design, coordination throughout construction, discounted energy through to shared future dividends..我们在施工前期间、中期及后期为您带来切实的财务回报。从项目设计阶段进行成本节约,到整个施工阶段的协调工作、获取优惠能源价格,覆盖至未来的能源收益等。....
....Building Owners &
Owners Corporations..业主与 物业....
....On-going management of the energy accounts and the assets for the life of the building with full legal compliance, industry backing and a lifetime revenue stream from your infrastructure..对能源账户及建筑生命周期内的资产进行持续管理,我们拥有业界支持,遵照法律进行规范化操作,让您从基础设施服务中终身受益。....